Monday, February 1, 2010

Racing Your Car On the Weekends?

I've heard it before. People purchase a hot little number (Porsche, souped up Lancer Evo X, whatever else) and go hit a track during the weekend to burn off some steam/stress/ego/brake pads...

So how do you get to race at a track on the weekends? Well a cursory Google search produced an interesting and rather comprehensive-looking introductory wiki-how article titled How to Race Your Car.

I imagined that the maintenance costs would go up exponentially with this sort of hobby. The article goes into some general items you're more likely to look at replacing when racing as a hobby.

It's a little tricky getting onto the track to begin with, but apparently, a good way to start is by calling local race tracks and asking whether they have a driver's education event -- which is a run through of how to drive competitively and on a track.

I hope to learn more about local opportunities at neary tracks, though I doubt I'll ever take my car on there due to the repair and replacement costs involved with this sort of racing. I'd have to purchase something just for this purpose, and figure out where to store it!

What about you? Do you race at your local track? What tips can you share to those who want to get into this lifestyle?

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